Sunday, February 5, 2012

Best Friends

A few weeks ago as I got off the phone with a best friend from high school, Avery asked me who I was talking to. 
(she has to know EVERYTHING)
Our conversation continued a little longer and then I asked Avery who her Best Friend was; without hesitation she replied: "oh mom that's easy, Ansley."

She has asked me multiple times this week, "when is Ansley going to wake up from her nap? I want her to play with me."

I can't put into words how happy this makes me :)


Rosanne Boyd said...

Awwww! I love them!

Hallsville Grebe's said...

They are so precious...they remind me of you and Rosanne when you were little. Really miss those days. Cherish every moment. They grow up so fast. :)

Lisa said...

I love that they are best friends. That makes having lots of kids totally worth it. Sweet.

The Hacketts said...

Awww, they are truly one of a kind. Hopefully the bond the two of them share will last forever. ♥ you all!

Penny said...

That is so cute! LOve IT!!

Amanda and Daniel McLain said...

How sweet :-) But I wouldn't expect anything different bc she has such great examples as parents :-)

Abbey and Todd said...

I can't decide if the content of this post makes me happier, or if the fact that you FINALLY updated again makes me happier!!!! Hallelujah!! I love pics of those girlies. They are adorable like you. So keep them coming!!